Sunday, March 20, 2016

Avenues of Recovery

Before there was modern medicine, there was natural medicine. But, with all the awesome studies and technology we have today, more and more evidence is coming up to support natural medicine. While there are many different avenues you could take when deciding on medication or an alternative, I would like to share insights I have gained on it. For many people, Rx medication has been an answer to prayer. Personally, I have found natural alternatives to be an answer to my prayers. There are many who say that the natural way is just as effective or more, pure and better for the body. I would like to encourage you to do your own research on it.
Since most of us probably have access to a doctor who would encourage and prescribe medication for mood disorders (postpartum or not) I will leave that to them. I would like to present a side to healing that they may not mention so much, if at all, though.

When I had PPD after having my twins, I was very fortunate to run into a kind lady who shared with me that she had also been through PPD a few years back. Her natural care provider told her to take Sepia homeopathic and Vitex. I had taken Sepia before with good results but had tried it a bit this time without as much success, so I tried the Vitex. The morning after I took it, I felt as if I had just woken up from a nightmare - not freaked out, but calm and wondering about the nightmare of yesterday's life. Another way to describe it, though, is that instead of climbing the mountain, I felt like I was on top of it. In some ways it bothered me, because I was so used to the climb. In some ways, I like the climb. It brings satisfaction. So, I backed off of it for a few days, and started feeling "normal" again, or, like I was climbing again, but with a clearer mind and a walking stick. I took it again when I felt like I was hiking without a friend and in the dark. I experimented with how much to take and how often to take it. I was so grateful for something natural to take. I really did need something extra. This herb contains progesterone, which hormone can be deficient in postpartum women.
We acknowledge the hand of God in all things and there is no substitute for the armor of God. Rx Medicine is not truth, righteousness, nor the preparation of the gospel of peace. It is not a shield of faith and it is not the means whereby salvation cometh. It is not the word of God and it can't substitute for prayer. Medication may help me out of a hole temporarily, but it is the Lord that helps me out of the holes of not forgiving myself, the holes of self-degradation, of not accepting the whole gift of the atonement, and basically, the holes of spiritual debt. In a true emergency, I hope to be prepared with a supply of the armor of God if/when there is no medication to take.
Remember the wonderful good news of the gospel in all of the challenges of the day and pray that God will guide you to the choice that will truly heal your mental challenge and bring you closer to Him. I testify that He cares about you and all the details of your life! You really can trust in Him.

Here are some therapies which have been helpful to many moms over the years in recovering lost energy.
Do not be afraid to use these, for in them, also, is God's hand. Many practitioners of these therapies know that it is what God (or Universe, depending on the practitioner) wants them to be doing right now to help serve their fellow humans. You can do a lot of these while on medication too! There is much beauty in these. Love is the answer. Sometimes you don't find enough or give enough love if your only method of treatment is a prescription.
(DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical doctor and you should not take this as medical advice or a medical cure. Always consult your care provider when needing advice on a medical issue.)

*Nutritional Support: Sometimes, depression comes because our bodies are lacking certain nutrients that support healthy body functions. I feel it is important to pay attention to fixing these deficiencies to address the mood issue. Along with eating a diet rich in vegetables, protein, whole grains, fruit, and a good food source of calcium, the following are supplements known to help brain function.
   VITAMIN D3 has been known to improve mood
   CALCIUM, POTASSIUM, and MAGNESIUM are important electrolytes. The nervous system is especially affected in a good way when sufficient electrolyte levels are consumed and absorbed.
   OMEGA 3,6 and 9 oils (essential fatty acids) are healthy fats that play an important role in brain function and development. When taken in doses higher than 1,000 mg, brain function tends to get better.
   B VITAMINS (especially B-12 and B-6) Here is an article you can refer to for more info regarding B Vitamins and brain health. 
   VITAMIN E can help protect brain cells from the harmful effects of stress.
   ENOUGH GOOD, CLEAN WATER There have been so many studies done on water and how hydration or dehydration affect brain health. Here is a helpful article describing some findings. Be sure to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water per day. Keep a bottle or glass of water next to your nursing/feeding station and your bed. Drink water whenever your baby drinks.
Take note: Some things you can add to help take away your symptoms. Other things you will need to subtract from your diet. See my previous blog post about this. Something I wish I had known about and used earlier in my life is a micronutrient called EMPower Plus. It has had over 34 studies done on it and has been found to elevate mood. It is a multivitamin, mineral, and amino acid complex supplement. It calms the mind and lifts the mood.
*Natural progesterone cream can help balance those hormones out and lift mood. I like using either Young Living "Progessence" or this cream by Source Naturals.

*Sleep is one of those things that sometimes eludes us as mothers. But it truly is worth making the effort to assist your baby in forming a routine and habit of sleeping for as many of the night hours as possible. Sweet Sleep: Nighttime and Naptime Strategies for the Breastfeeding Family is a good resource. Also, don't hesitate to call upon anyone you trust who has offered to help you with baby, to watch the baby while you sleep. Day sleep is better than no or too little sleep. Sleep plays a crucial role in brain function and the more hours of sleep you get in a row... the less it interferes with brain function (YAY!).
*Exercise can do wonders for a depressed soul. The blood flow from aerobic exercise helps all functions of the body and can keep a mom from going crazy. Again, worth recruiting some help for this one if needed.
*Journaling is a great way to get any thoughts, positive or negative, out of your head! This clears the brain and assists in its function. Keep a journal right next to your water at the feeding station and on your nightstand. Sitting for a long time can produce more thoughts than we can manage while we are stuck just sitting there... Write the thoughts you have about the past, present and future. Write to-do lists, to-hug lists, and lists of things you are grateful for... Write about your birth experience and what you would want someone to do for you if they offered.
*Meditating and praying, of course, helps us get out of our heads or the past, and into the present, focusing on our breath and the things which matter most - including gratitude!!!
*Creating art of any kind is also very therapeutic.
*Babysitters, because you-time is precious, sacred and you need it.
*Counselors: Seeing a counselor for talk therapy or trauma help and healing has been a God-send to SO MANY people! If a counselor is not around when you need one, call a good friend or trusted family member!

*Essential oils can be more therapeutic than the plants they come from because, not only are they more concentrated, but they are in oil form and can absorb right into the largest organ of the body (the skin). They have constituents and properties that cleanse and detoxify. Their aromas can be inhaled which affects the limbic part of the brain. This is where many of our emotions emanate from, including fear, anxiety, and depression. Citrus oils are great for lifting mood. Rose is a very high-frequency oil that can help as well. But sometimes we need more grounding oils like vetiver or cedarwood. Frankincense can be one that brings courage to the discouraged and is an excellent oil to support the brain. Many companies have blends of essential oils that are specifically blended for lifting spirits and balancing hormones. I like Butterfly Express's essential oil blends for a lot of emotional issues.
*EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Put simply, this is a system of tapping on our body's energy meridians while repeating positive affirmations. I have tried this several times and experienced great results. It can help with problems like mood disorders, trapped emotions, and bad habits and works for many to provide relief from symptoms of dis-ease. Here is an instructional video on EFT.
*Foot Zoning is a way of balancing the body systems and getting/keeping the body in homeostasis using the receptor points on the feet that correlate to different parts of the body and body systems. It is very relaxing and can be effective in helping us to overcome mood disorders. The key to why foot zoning works for postpartum mental challenges is balancing. Mood disorders tend to not be as much of a problem when there is balance in the body systems.
*Rapid Eye Technology (RET) works with communication at the cellular level that has been and is assimilated through REM sleep.
*Iridology is a system of reading the eye to see what parts or systems of the body are experiencing health, weakness, or stress. The practitioner will then usually use muscle testing to determine what nutrient the body needs in order to restore it to optimal health.

*Yoga is probably the one most of us have heard of more than the others. Widely accepted now, it helps the body, mind, and soul by focusing on the breath and promoting and facilitating meditation while maneuvering the body in very helpful stretches and moves. The act of involving the body with the meditation process increases the effectiveness of both. Yoga is big on breathing correctly throughout the exercises which, of course, oxygenates, helping all body systems get into better standing.
*Energy Work is a broad term and can encompass many alternative ways of recovering from stress. Some practitioners call themselves just plain "energy workers". They will likely be very in tune with your spirit and hopefully in tune with the spirit of the Lord as well, and use that communication to help them understand what you need in order to overcome whatever it is you are seeing them for (or maybe something that you didn't know you were seeing them for). Many energy workers are also trained in 'methods' of energy therapy like Reiki, muscle testing, Psych-K, Simply Healed Spirit Code, Emotion Code, etc... and some combine it with foot zoning, EFT, etc... Energy work is a VERY effective way to accept the good that is waiting for you to step into.
*Herbs are so awesome! Do a search on herbs in the scriptures or on the internet and find a wealth of information! They have been used for thousands of years to alleviate all kinds of discomfort or ailments. This is actually how medicine came about in the first place. They figured out that a certain herb fixed this problem or that, and then they decided to try to find out why. What nutrient or property or constituent was it that healed that ailment anyway? Then they isolated it and put it in a pill. The trouble with doing this is that it caused more side effects than the whole herb did in the first place. So there are a lot of people who have chosen herbs over prescribed medication. As with the others, there is so much more to find out about herbs! Look into them! They are so worth it!
*Cranial sacral therapy. Spinal fluid ebbs and flows throughout the membrane around the brain and the spinal cord, and therefore affects the whole nervous system. This therapy is very gentle, emotional, and beautiful as the therapist moves gently on the skull and spine areas as well as other areas affected by the spinal fluid that may need extra help. There are many success stories with craniosacral therapy. Search out more info online.
*Neurofeedback is a really awesome way for the brain to see itself through the technology of EEG and feeding the results back through a movie the patient watches. The brain can see if it is working top-notch or not and fixes itself. New neuropathways literally are created in the process and the brain is able to handle more and work through things it wasn't able to previously. Considering the fact that depression is a neurological disorder, this is wonderful technology and therapy for PPMD. Here is a link for more info. And here is another.
*Homeopathics are the energy of certain plants. The idea behind homeopathy is that you take a tincture of a certain plant which, when eaten, causes the symptoms that you have, and dilute it down to where it's basically just the energy of the plant left in the water. (This is why homeopathics are so cheap.) The body will recognize it as something to fight off and rid your body of the symptoms that the plant would cause if it were to be taken in heavier concentrations. To read more about homeopathic therapies, click here.

Did I miss any? Comment below with what has helped you through tough Postpartum times.

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